This service detoxifies the body and helps to mobilize toxins stored in fat so they can be eliminated from the body naturally. Helps in addressing skin problems, back acne, tones and tightens the skin, helps to reduce cellulite, improves circulation, alleviates muscle pain. Includes facial sheet mask.
50m $175
Hawaiian volcanic pumice and coconut oil combine to deeply hydrate and re-mineralize while the fine pumice remove dead skin cells revealing silky soft skin. Includes body butter application.
50m $175
Enjoy an exfoliating foot scrub, detoxifying foot mask and therapeutic foot massage.
50m $165
Designed to improve the texture and appearance of the skin by helping to rid the body of excess lymphatic fluid and toxins. This wrap is ideal for detoxification, soothing skin irritation, promotion of healthy digestion and reduction of acne breakouts due to excess oils. Includes seaweed facial mask
50m $185
Begin with a gentle steaming to open pores and lift impurities, followed with deep cleansing, exfoliation and therapeutic mask. Concludes with back, neck and shoulder massage. (This service is performed on the BACK.)
50m $165